Andrew Krupa: Koffman Windows
Windows that don't ‘CRY’
What are the key things to look for (regarding windows) when 1st thinking about renovating?
One must, first, look at the existing house style and era it was build in. Windows are very much part of the original design. If renovations look at a complete change of the design/look of the house, the windows will reflect that and can be matched to new style, and perhaps sleek aluminium frames with lots of glass will suit. However one may choose to retain or even revert to, say an old colonial look, then uPVC with their look similar to old timber frames will suit better. Koffman windows can incorporate colonial bars within triple glazed option giving old look while retaining 21st century performance.
Another important factor is the state of the current frames and the extent of the planned renovation. The simplest upgrade for the windows is the retention of the current timber frames and use of the new uPVC frame with the flange as an insert. This method keeps the current flashing system and internal reveals are left with no damage to either cladding or internal wall lining. Replacement is therefore very fast and economical. Also the retention of the original flashing system allows the job to be completed by competent DIYer.
Common problems?
Typically, the old Villas or Bungalows often had some renovation completed when everyone was changing to aluminium frames to escape the need for maintenance of the timber windows. Unfortunately this created thermal bridging, and condensation is now a well-known factor in health problems and the coldness of New Zealand houses. Koffman uPVC windows can be used to revert to the look of the original house era while giving an upgrade to triple glazed 21st century windows.
A common problem encountered with renovations is how to solve the flashing system where we change to a recommended recessed installation.
Each house needs to be looked at by experienced builder.
There are however some common solutions:
Metal flashing to cover wall cavity
Utilisation of current solid timber frames and original flashing system (Outside and inside view)
Good Solutions... Bad Solutions...
Do NOT fall for a glass upgrade from single to double glazing within old aluminium frames. Lack of thermal break/insulation in these frames will still leave you with ‘crying’ windows which leads to mouldy homes and sickness in families.
Another ‘upgrade’ people still do is to replace timber framed single glazed windows with standard double glazed aluminium option. It’s been calculated that there’s NO thermal improvement in such an ‘upgrade’. You are better off changing the glass only within the timber frame. There are a few companies offering this service.
Try to keep the original frame work...
It’s the best of both worlds and the most economical option. We highly recommend upgrading to our triple glazed uPVC windows within current timber frames.
Retaining the original ‘LOOK’ of the house.
There are a few option which Koffman can offer to keep the look of the house era. We can match existing windows where uPVC looks as ‘chunky’ as old timber frames. We can add colonial bars which we insert within triple glazed panels keeping original look while allowing ease of cleaning of the glass. We can offer large format uPVC or aluminium windows to create modern look with lots of light ingress while keeping heat in with our triple glazing 2x lowE and argon as standard option.
Common Misconceptions
The most common question we are asked is regarding the UV rating of the uPVC frames. That problem has been solved over 20 years ago when new formulas were developed and is well proven all over the world. On top of that we can offer aluminium skin to be applied on the outside face which also gives us the option to match any colour required.
Another assumption is regarding the cost. At least until we supply the quote… Our factory uses economies of scale and proximity to the world class suppliers to offer good price for the best products and we are happy to pass on these savings to our clients. We offer free upgrade to triple glazing where the glass (R=2) probably matches thermal performance of the old insulated wall.
And Finally...
We encourage people to make an appointment and visit our showroom to discuss what we can offer. There are a number of solutions to provide what is needed and to keep project within the budget. For example, we can change sliders for French doors which suit better an old style house and is HALF THE PRICE! Even small commercial buildings will benefit from the upgrade, and office workers will appreciate sound insulation provided by triple glazing.
Colonial lattice inside the new triple glazed system to keep original house look.
This small commercial building replacement of windows has improved office work conditions by reducing street noise.
Use of Koffman K-Vision frames with brick cladding, covering cavity while allowing recessed installation for best thermal performance
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